Insights from the Audience
"Within the United States Department of State and on behalf of 195 assisted schools around the world, know that Rosalind Wiseman brings people of all ages and cultural heritages together as authors of a community that people want– with and for each other. Rosalind does this kind of thing better than anyone. She is the best example of someone bringing a thoughtful, holistic, and responsive American brand of education to the world. Our overseas schools are better for it and the big winners are our young people.”
Mark Ulfers, Director of the Office of Overseas Schools
"Along my personal and professional journey in life, I have the privilege of crossing paths with people who I deeply feel are doing their very best to help humanity thrive. I refer to them as Ambassadors of Humanity. It's not easy to describe; It's just something you can just clearly sense when you engage with them. Rosalind is one of those people - an Ambassador of Humanity who speaks truth into the Human condition, so that we can better understand ourselves and each other in finding connection to what really matters: Our Humanity."
Adam Slaton, American International Schools in the Americas (AMISA)
"Rosalind, I imagine it’s not often you coach several hundred women, virtually, with a LIVE chat stream but you were FANTASTIC! The rapid-fire engagement and connection you established with each of our women made them feel special, unique, and seen. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and encouraging each of us to be the best version of ourselves!"
Jennifer Rheder-Microsoft Corporation
"Rosalind was a keynote speaker at our annual leadership conference with an audience of hundreds of business professionals. Her talk on the topic of difficult conversations was accessible, relatable, and inspirational. It was one of the best-reviewed sessions of the conference! After her session she took the time to meet participants and connect with anyone who wanted to meet her (and there was a very long line). As someone who has booked dozens of keynote speakers for different events, I couldn’t have been more pleased with Rosalind!
Aaron Miller, Leadership Louisville
Rosalind is an inspired, creative leader that provides a safe space to get uncomfortable with challenging conversations. Her approach to learning focuses on the power of cultivating culture instead of debating topics, which allows our values and our voice to be center stage.”
Iris Swinea, National Charity League
“Funny, practical, and transformational. From high school students to university faculty, Rosalind helped us all understand how to think and act in ways that enhanced our educational and work experiences. From the moment her workshop ended participants rushed forward to ask for more. Rosalind provided an OUTSTANDING impact!!”
Karen Armstrong, EdD, Pennsylvania State University
"Rosalind Wiseman, who so insightfully explained the world of girls in Queen Bees and Wannabes, has done it again . . . Masterminds and Wingmen is an essential guide – not just for parents but anyone who wants to better understand their own childhood and its impact."
Anderson Cooper
"Rosalind understands young people (and their parents and teachers), on an intuitive level more than anyone I’ve ever worked with. She’s evidence-based but not handcuffed by research or policies that she finds inconsistent with the realities of who young people are and what they need. Her deep intuitions are not an accident, they are the result of her commitment, for decades, to hearing from and elevating the voices of young people who so often see things that adults miss. I consult Rosalind for my most important work, because there’s often a fine line between a program or policy working for young people and failing miserably, and Rosalind is one of the few people who can see it."
Professor David Yeager, University of Texas at Austin Associate Professor of Psychology and Principal Investigator for the Texas Behavioral Science and Policy Institute
"Rosalind is a visionary in the field of student engagement and empowerment. What sets her approach to working with students apart is her unwavering commitment to understanding and connecting with young individuals on a deep and personal level. She is not just an expert in her field; she is a mentor, an ally, and a genuine advocate for the well-being and growth of the students she encounters. Her commitment to inclusivity, her genuine desire to listen to and understand students, and her dedication to fostering respect and understanding are a beacon of light in the educational field."
Peggy Palonis, American Community Schools, Athens Greece